terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2019

Shane Holderer planeou, a partir de 2012, uma perseguição (cyberstalking) que levaria uma menor de 13 anos a casar consigo e a ter filhos seus... 15 000 mil publicações nas redes sociais publicitaram este inferno, até à sua atual condenação

“The man who victimized our daughter began his quest in 2012 and was 37 years older than her… He created a three-year plan to be with her, marry her and bear his children; posting daily about his intentions, and made no secret that he was coming to her on her 18th birthday, all while under probation for stalking her at the age of 13. He knew every aspect of our daughter's life, even when her accounts were private. He used her friends accounts and their friends-friends accounts to search for anything related to her. This perpetrator hid behind social media and posted over 15,000 times, detailing what he wanted to do to her and how they would be forever together. He insisted that no one would ever stop him from being with her. It was by luck we found all of these posts in September 2016 but wasn’t until November 2016 that this man was arrested.”

1 comentário :

  1. Um inferno global, sempre as mesmas obsessões, a ideia de "posse" presente e futura, um mundo povoado de monstros


O Cyberstalking é um crime contra a Cidadania. Sinalize-o e denuncie-o

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