domingo, 18 de março de 2018

Suicídio de Gabrielle Green, na Florida, vítima de perseguição obsessiva (cyberstalking), leva à condenação de duas perseguidoras, menores de idade

"Police in Panama City Beach, Florida, have charged two 12-year-old middle-school students with cyberstalking after the suicide of another student.

Police said Tuesday in a statement that 12-year-old Gabriella Green, known as Gabbie, was found unresponsive at her home on January 10 and was pronounced dead at a hospital. The medical examiner told CNN that the girl died from hanging.

The accused girl told officers she intended to cause problems between Gabbie and another child and made derogatory comments verbally and electronically, a police report said. "Her actions consisted of starting rumors of the victim having sexually transmitted diseases, vulgar name-calling ... and threats to 'expose' personal and sensitive details of the victim's life." The suspect deleted messages upon learning of the death, police said".

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O Cyberstalking é um crime contra a Cidadania. Sinalize-o e denuncie-o

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