segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2015

Cyberstalking e sex extorsion levam à condenação de Michael C. Ford, um chantagista informático de 36 anos

"When the victims refused to comply, threatened to go to the police or begged Ford to leave them alone, Ford responded with additional threats.  For example, Ford wrote in one e-mail “don’t worry, it’s not like I know where you live,” then sent another e-mail to the same victim with her home address and threatened to post her photographs to an “escort/hooker website” along with her phone number and home address.  Ford later described the victim’s home to her, stating “I like your red fire escape ladder, easy to climb.”  Ford followed through with his threats on several occasions, sending his victims’ sexually explicit photographs to family members and friends."

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O Cyberstalking é um crime contra a Cidadania. Sinalize-o e denuncie-o

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