terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2018

"Netizens": como o cyberstalking pode destruir a vida de uma mulher

"In 2012, Tina finally broke up with her boyfriend, and, she says, he quickly turned vengeful.

“I told him, ‘This isn’t going to work. We’re not meant for each other,’ and he immediately launched the Web site,” says Tina.

The first was a blog in Tina’s name. Then more and more popped up. They claimed that Tina, a business school grad who’d previously worked in commodities at a major bank in New York before switching to a career in real estate, was actually a prostitute. The sites listed her personal information, including her phone number and address. “He was encouraging other people to harass me, to contact me, to hire me as an escort.”

1 comentário :

  1. "The ex “wanted to shame me into submission,” says the 40-something Tina. “He really thought I would come back to him.” He had exploited Tina’s worst fear, in a “Black Mirror”-esque way: that a decision from her past would come back to haunt her forever".

    Conheço bem este cenário.. "Até ao fim dos tempos", uma perseguição "até à eternidade", um dos motes da mente criminosa e perseguidora da cooperante da Opus Dei...


O Cyberstalking é um crime contra a Cidadania. Sinalize-o e denuncie-o

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